Where can I get more information on kanvashram?
For more information, Please access the website kanvashram.org .
Where is Kanvashram located?
Kanvashram is located near a place named Chawkighat, about 12 – 14 Kms from Kotdwara depending on the routes taken.
How to reach Kanvashram from Kotdwara?
1st Route – Kotdwara via Devi Road -> Nimbuchaur -> Mawakoat -> Kanvashram (Road from Mawakoat to Kanvashram is narrow & damaged at places ).
2nd Route – Kotdwara via Devi Road -> Nimbuchaur -> Durgapuri -> Motadak -> Haldukhata -> Kalalghati -> Chawkighat -> Kanvashram (Road is in fine condition ).
Which is the nearest Airport to Kotdwara?
Jollygrant Airport ( near Dehradun )is about 125 Kms from Kotdwara.
When is the best time to visit Kanvashram?
The place is accessiable around the year by road. However, the best time to visit is during Basant Panchami (which normally falls in end January or early February ) , when the mela or Fair of 3 days is held